Engineering Design Topics: Design Considerations

Design Ethics

The video provided by Professor Kristyn Masters of the University of Wisconsin – Madison addresses the topic of ethics in engineering design.

Institutional Review Boards

The video provided by Jennifer Fenne of the University of Wisconsin – Madison describes the purpose and scope of Institutional Review Boards and submitting proposals for research involving human subjects. Slides to accompany this presentation can be downloaded here: Download Slides

Animal Welfare in Design

The video provided by Holly McEntee of the University of Wisconsin – Madison animal welfare in scientific research and the process for researchers to obtain approval for animal studies. A list of resources to accompany this presentation can be downloaded here: Download Slides

FDA Approval

The video provided by Morris Waxler of Waxler Regulatory Consultancy, LLC describes FDA regulations and the FDA approval process. Slides to accompany this presentation can be downloaded here: Download Slides

Human Factors and Ergonomics

The video provided by Professor Jay Martin of the University of Wisconsin – Madison addresses the place of human factors and ergonomics in engineering design.

PRINT RESOURCES on “Human Factors and Ergonomics”

  • Suggested activity based upon the web resources listed here.

WEB RESOURCES on “Human Factors and Ergonomics”

  • From, the online archive for the Wisconsin State Journal and The Capital Times, a series of articles outlining a case study wherein human error with respect to a medical device led to fatal results, and how this might have been prevented from a design perspective. The first article presents the errors made and the ensuing consequences for both patient and nurse. The second article details the legal ramifications of the case, and the third article discusses the common medical mistake that led to this tragedy and how a simple design change in IV connections could make this situation obsolete.

Global Engineering

The video provided by Professor David Beebe of the University of Wisconsin – Madison addresses design considerations for the developing world.