Micofluidics and the Study of Bacteria

By Noah Edelstein     October 26, 2013


7th Grade Students

Time Frame

One full 5 day week is required to complete the progression of the unit.

Activity:  Day 1 Bacteria Research

Day 2 Macrofluidic and Microfluidic devices

Day 3 Introduction to Research Microfluidic Devices and Microscopes

Day 4 Preparation of Microfluidic Device microscope slides

Day 5 Observation of chemotaxis of cells and Bacteria on Plates of Agar


After completing the activity, participants will be able to:

  1. Have a deeper knowledge of what bacteria are.
  2. Understand why bacteria are important for humans to study.
  3. Understand how scientists study bacteria.
Next Generation Science Standards Addressed:

MS – LS1-1 Conduct and investigation to provide evidence that living things are made of cells; either one cell or many different types of cells.

MS – ETS1-2 Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.

Engineering principles

ETS2.A: Interdependence of Science, Engineering, and Technology

On Day 2 of the project students will be asked to use, observe, and describe the use of microfluidic and microfluidic devices.
They must analyze the design of macrofluidic and microfluidic devices, observe liquids within each type of device, and report on how the devices work.  Students are also asked to collaborate to infer differences between behavior of liquids within a macrofluidic device and a microfluidic device.

Activity Materials and Activity Instructions

Please see the attached document entitled: Microfluidic Devices and the study of Bacteria


I used the Bacteria Frayer Model and the Bacteria Anticipation Guide as assessments for this project.  Both are located on page 3 of the Microfluidics Device and the Study of Bacteria Document.


This unit was created with the understanding that seventh grade students probably have very little background knowledge concerning bacteria and the use of microfluidic devices.

Supplemental Materials

Both documents are attached to this email

  • Microfluidic Devices and the study of Bacteria
  • ActiveInspire Flipchart slide show document used for display of visuals on Promethean Board.

Singleton, Paul. Introduction to Bacteria. N.p.: Wiley, 1992. Print.

Additional References

Bacteria. Milwaukee, WI: Gareth Stevens Pub., 2004. Print.

“Bacteria Rule!” National Geographic World Oct. 2000: 23. Ebscohost. Web.

Favor, Lesli J. Bacteria. New York: Rosen Pub. Group, 2004. Print.

Friedman, B. Ellen. Bacteria. Mankato, MN: Creative Education, 1997. Print.

“It’s Alive!” SuperScience Mar. 2001: 4-5. Ebscohost. Web.

Latta, Sara L., and Dennis Kunkel. The Good, the Bad, the Slimy: The Secret Life of Microbes. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow, 2006. Print.

Levy, Janey. The World of Microbes: Bacteria, Viruses, and Other Microorganisms. New York: Rosen Pub., 2011. Print.

Mueller, Michelle. “Bacteria: The Good, the Bad, and the Itchy.” Current Health Sept. 2002: 18. Ebscohost. Web.

Ollhoff, Jim. What Are Germs? Edina, MN: ABDO Pub., 2010. Print.

Snedden, Robert. The Benefits of Bacteria. Chicago, IL: Heinemann Library, 2000. Print.

“The Three Types of Bacteria.” Microbiology Mar. 2000: 17. Ebscohost. Web.

Wearing, Judy. Bacteria: Staph, Strep, Clostridium, and Other Bacteria. St. Catharines, Ont.: Crabtree Pub., 2010. Print.

Weir, Kirsten. “Uninvited Guests.” Current Health Kids Apr.-May 2012: 9-11. Ebscohost. Web.


Noah Edelstein

Matt Stilwell

Julia Nepper

Ben Taylor

Anne Lynn Gillian-Daniel