The Scientific Method
The video provided by Professor Dan Siegel of the University of Wisconsin – Madison addresses the topic of The Scientific Method.
PRINT RESOURCES on “The Scientific Method”
WEB RESOURCES on “The Scientific Method”
- From the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science, three case studies, complete with teaching notes (upon registration), on the scientific method, making hypotheses and indirect observations, and a more biology oriented case on the scientific process.
- A lengthy and detailed introduction to critical thinking and the scientific method, “An Introduction to Science: Scientific Thinking and the Scientific Method” by Steven D. Schafersman.
- From the personal webpage of Professor Frank Wolfs of the University of Rochester, a briefer “Introduction to the Scientific Method”.
Mentor/Mentee Relationships
The interview of Janet Branchaw of the University of Wisconsin – Madison addresses the topic of Relating with Your Research Mentor (Interviewed by Professor Wendy Crone).
PRINT RESOURCES on “Mentor/Mentee Relationships”
WEB RESOURCES on “Mentor/Mentee Relationships”
- A brief commentary by Irving P. Herman entitled Following the Law, about the “symbiotic…not symmetric” relationship between advisers and graduate students.
Lab Safety
The link provided by Michelle Blanchard of the University of Wisconsin – Madison addresses the topic of General Lab Safety.
The video provided by John Wendt of the University of Wisconsin – Madison addresses Chemical Safety in the Lab.
The video provided by Terry Lawrin of the University of Wisconsin – Madison addresses Biosafety in the Lab.
- The University of Wisconsin – Madison Environment, Health and Safety website includes UW Chemical Safety and Disposal Guide, Biosafety Guide, and more. PLEASE NOTE that specific safety and disposal procedures may differ at your institution.
Research Documentation
The video provided by Cheryl Scadlock of the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation addresses the topic of keeping a good laboratory notebook. Slides to accompany the presentation can be downloaded here: Download Slides
The video provided by Professor Carl Sovinec of the University of Wisconsin – Madison addresses the topic of documenting computational research.
- From the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, “Lab Notebook Guidelines” for preserving intellectual property rights to research findings.
- From the personal webpage of Dr. Rod Beavon, Westminster School, London, “Writing the Laboratory Notebook”, a guide to keeping a lab notebook.
- From the Texas A&M Chemistry department website, “Laboratory Notebook Guidlines”.
Intellectual Property
The video provided by Michael Falk of the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation addresses the topic of Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyright, and Trademarks. Slides to accompany the presentation can be downloaded here.
PRINT RESOURCES on “Intellectual Property”
WEB RESOURCES on “Intellectual Property”
- From, three case authorship and intellectual property case studies, specifically about IP rights between students in a research group, assigning authorship when the originator of an idea is different from the person who carries the idea to fruition, and sharing authorship.
- The US Patent and Trademark Office provides information on filing and searching patents and trademarks, including tutorials on submitting a patent application.
Diverse Research Teams
The video provided by Professors Doug Henderson and Mike Corradini of the University of Wisconsin-Madison addresses the topic of Working in a Diverse Research Team.
PRINT RESOURCES on “Diverse Research Teams”